
True Car Lover Quiz

True Car Lover Quiz

Are you confident behind the wheel? Our True Car Lover Quiz will test your knowledge on model types, automobile history, nicknames, and more. Drive up to the starting line and rev your engine, the quiz is about to begin!

Fact Lab
Interesting Fact
It is believed that a language, or a dialect, goes extinct every two weeks. There are more than 230 completely extinct languages and 2,400 of the world’s languages are considered to be in danger of going extinct. Chinese is the most spoken language in the world and has over 50,000 characters!
Interesting Fact
It’s fascinating that the largest animal ever to have lived on earth, the blue whale, feeds on nothing but krill, shrimp-like creatures that are among the smallest sea-dwellers. But it takes 36 metric tons of krill a day to allay an adult blue whale’s hunger. That’s the weight of 25 cars!
Interesting Fact
Have you ever had a brain freeze while eating ice cream? The effect is caused by a cold substance touching the roof of your mouth making the blood vessels in your head dilate. Eating ice cream is a serious business!