Mythology Quiz

The earth’s mythology is a treasure trove of epic stories, fearsome gods, and valiant heroes. The Roman god of desire fires his arrow, a face launches a thousand ships. Can you name these and many other famous mythical figures? In our Mythology Quiz, you’ll be tested on how much you know about our world’s greatest tales spanning multiple centuries and countless cultures. It’s a quiz for the ages! Let’s get into it!


Our Mythology Quiz is bound to become the muse for any myth enthusiast. The questions span across different cultures, moments in history, and famous characters from the greatest stories. You’ll start off with a few easy questions to get warmed up, before things get interesting as the difficulty increases. But even our most challenging questions about mythical birds or Norse gods are still great fun to tackle. You’ll be provided clues and pictures to help prompt the answer. Here’s just a taste of what to expect: can you name the Greek god of the sea?


Tales will be told upon your heroic completion of our Mythology Quiz. To make sure it’s an iconic journey worth your time, our team scoured the world’s greatest myths, learned of heroic tales, and tracked down their favorite creatures. They then met to swap stories and write the questions you’ll see here. Just for fun, once they’d finished putting the quiz together, they compared their favorite mythical figures. The Egyptian cat goddess turned out to be the most popular by a mile. We hope you have as much fun playing this quiz as our team did making it!

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