Spot the Difference

One of these treats is not like the other! Can you spot the difference between these yummy images? In this quiz, you’ll have to notice the smallest details that set one image apart from others that it closely resembles. The photos are nearly identical, so you’ll have to use your sleuthing skills to determine which one is the imposter! Whether the detail is an obvious one or something you’ll have to search long and hard for, the difference is there…if you can spot it!


This fun quiz is simple to understand — though that doesn’t mean it’s not an exciting challenge! Here’s what you’ll face: you’ll be shown a snapshot of side-by-side images that look exactly the same…until one reveals itself to be different under closer examination. Find the detail, whether large or small, that sets one image section apart from the others and simply select it as the correct answer. The difference is there; you just have to find it. For example, which of these pastry images isn’t like the others?


Spot the difference games have been entertaining people all over the world for decades. When one of our designers was stuck in a waiting room for hours and had to entertain themselves with a years-old magazine and play spot the difference, their love of this fun visual game from their childhood was re-awakened! After returning to the office, it wasn’t difficult to get a group together to create this quiz that added stunning visuals and multiple questions to this beloved format. Can you find the smallest difference in these images?

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