The Ultimate Pizza Quiz

Pizza lovers unite for The Ultimate Pizza Quiz! You’ll show what you know about the origins of pizza, what makes up a modern-day pizza, and solve several pizza-related puzzles about this dish adored all around the world. Knowing about pizza isn’t enough! Prepare yourself to imagine pizzas as something that can be solved in these fun, visual riddles. This multiple-choice quiz will work your brain as much as it makes you hungry!


The Ultimate Pizza Quiz is your ticket into the world of delicious knowledge! But being pizza’s #1 fan will only get you so far here. No, you must also know different ingredients that make up some of the most popular pizzas, and most importantly: you must be able to solve puzzles having to do with pizza. Look for patterns, test your ability to mentally complete the images, and solve the puzzles to restore the pizzas to their original glory! One example of such a puzzle is this question: do you know which picture fragment completes the image?


It was after the fifteenth pizza night with the team that we realized our passion for pizza (our pizz-ion, if you will) reached beyond what we could relegate to our free time. After a bit of research, we found out we aren’t the only ones with such a deep-seated love for the yummy treat. We came together with the goal of creating a quiz that would deal with more than just facts about pizza, but would also mix in visual pizza-themed riddles. We fiddled around with several formats to test how pizza lovers could be challenged and entertained by all things pizza. This short quiz certainly delivered!

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