
The Ultimate Pizza Quiz

The Ultimate Pizza Quiz

In this quick, entertaining, and completely free quiz, your pizza skills will be put to the ultimate test! See how many of our pizza-themed questions you can correctly answer and try your best to conquer our delicious visual puzzles! So, what are you waiting for? Get started now!

Fact Lab
Interesting Fact
The word ‘labyrinth’ comes from the Ancient Greek and means something that is unsolvable or impossible to get out of. You can also use the word ‘labyrinthine’ in English to describe something that is incredibly complex.
Interesting Fact
Turkeys don't have teeth! Instead, swallowed mouthfuls of food enter an initial chamber which uses stomach acid to begin softening the food. From there, the food travels to the anatomically wonderful gizzard (the gastric mill), where muscles, often aided by small stones, smash it into small pieces.
Interesting Fact
Foxes are very vocal animals and can make over 40 different types of sound to communicate with other animals. They also have a distinctive ‘scream’ sound to scare predators away. It is very disconcerting and when heard in a city many people mistake it for a human scream.