
Spot the Difference

Spot the Difference

In this quick, completely free and entertaining game, we've put together some of our most mouth-watering images for you to take a look at and spot the difference! It's easy to play. So, what do you think? Are you up for the challenge? Play now and get your score at the end!

Fact Lab
Interesting Fact
Being scatterbrained and disorganised can be annoying to people around you – but there’s a strong correlation between chronic disorganisation and higher intelligence and creativity. Scatterbrained people also have a broader-than-average range of interests, and when they come across as know-it-alls, that’s probably because, well, they know it all.
Interesting Fact
Dividing by zero is not only impossible but also dangerous! In 1997, when a crewman aboard the USS Yorktown mistakenly entered a zero into the ship’s computer, it tried to divide by null, incapacitating the mighty vessel and leaving it stranded for several hours.
Interesting Fact
Japanese schools are famous for providing children with daily lunch – known as ‘kyushokku’. Education authorities ensure all children are fed a varied and healthy diet on a daily basis. Popular dishes include natto (fermented soy-beans, an acquired taste), miso soup, Japanese curry and on special occasions – whale meat!