
Math Quiz

Math Quiz

Are you ready to have your math skills put through their paces? This entertaining and completely free quiz will put your arithmetic prowess to the test! The questions start off easy but get increasingly more challenging toward the end. Curious to see how well you score? Let's find out.

Fact Lab
Interesting Fact
In ancient Egyptian religion, the scarab was a symbol of resurrection, immortality, transformation and protection used in funerary art. These beetles were found all over Egypt and were a popular design for good luck charms and jewelry made from clay and gems.
Interesting Fact
Who do you think has won the most Oscars? If you guessed Walt Disney, you’re right! He won 26 of his 64 nominations! Pretty impressive. Behind him in the most number of nominations category, with 47, is composer John Williams.
Interesting Fact
For approximately 200 years, microscope technology remained relatively unchanged. In the 1850s, however, Carl Zeiss, a German engineer, developed improvements for the device! Joseph Jackson Lister also helped eliminate the unequal bending of light hitting the microscope lens, leading to further improvements!