
Math Quiz

Math Quiz

Are you ready to have your math skills put through their paces? This entertaining and completely free quiz will put your arithmetic prowess to the test! The questions start off easy but get increasingly more challenging toward the end. Curious to see how well you score? Let's find out.

Fact Lab
Interesting Fact
The classic game, Space Invaders, was originally developed so that the enemies would move down the screen at the same speed. However, as more invaders were destroyed, the faster the computer could render the remaining objects, resulting in a faster speed and more challenging game play. This was a serendipitous discovery for the developers of the game!
Interesting Fact
Even if you’re not allergic to peanuts, the tasty legumes can cause you trouble. There’s a medical condition called archibutyrophobia – the oddly specific fear of getting peanut butter stuck to your palate. It’s rather uncommon, though, judging from the fact that US Americans spend $800 million annually on the creamy delight...
Interesting Fact
Kids can be quite inquisitive. A 2013 study from an online retailer recorded the questions that children ask the adults around them. On average, the adults answered nearly 300 questions per day! The hardest questions adults said they were asked included ‘Why is water wet?’ and ‘What are shadows made of?`